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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you sing low without your voice getting all gravely?


How do you sing low without your voice getting all gravely?

Any breathing tricks or something?... I know nothing about singing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm not sure. i'm a mezzo soprano (can go quite low and quite high) so i sing low but i'm also a girl. it could just be a guy thing. only other thing i suggest is learning how to breath and don't lower or raise ur chin when u sing. it does something to the sound and also the projection. umm on the breathing thing.... ok so when u breath from ur diaphram u'll b able to tell. first off when u take a deep breath do ur shoulders go up? if they do then ur not breathing from ur diaphram. the top of ur stomach and ur ribcage should expand when u take a breath. and u should b able to feel it. ur shoulders should never move. also try and imagine a column of air going from right below ur belly button to the middle of ur forehead. it helps. its also very calming. lol. my teacher also has me pant like a dog using my diaphram. talk about a work out! it's very tiring. when u sing u should be relaxed as well so try blowing ur lips out like a horse (i do so when i'm frustrated). these are just the basics. there is a book called 101 Singing Tips by Adam St. James. it comes with a cd and is very useful. ne wayz i hope i helped!