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Question about Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp?

I got a scholorship to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for the violin, but I was wondering, before I go, some random questions.
If you hav been there or if you just know can you answer these questions.
1)For the uniform, do you have to tuck in your shirt?
2)Are thethe staff really strict or are they kinda laid back?
3)Do they let people straighten their hair or do whatever to it?
4)Do they force you to participate in talent shows, solo's, or dances?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1.) You have to tuck in your shirt when you leave your unit, so pretty much when you're at your lessons, meals, at concerts, etc. It's annoying, but you get used to it.

2.) It depends. Most of the staff members are nice, but they want you to work hard and not mess around or act immature. I remember how my sectional instructor one year became so irritated, because these girls saw a spider, started freaking out, and interrupted the whole rehearsal. As long as you don't do anything like that, though, and you try to do your best, you'll be fine. Counselors vary; some are very easy going, and some are extremely strict and they enjoy that. Generally, most counselors expect you do be on time for meals, etc, and to be respectful, but they're pretty cool about it. Some also don't really enforce going to bed at a certain time and just tell everyone that as long as the lights are off and they're quiet, it doesn't matter when they go to sleep, while others stay in the cabin and make sure everyone falls asleep. I've encountered more of the first type, though, and the older you are, the more lenient they will probably be (I went as a middle schooler.)
3.) Yep; you can do whatever you want with your hair, although I don't recommend dying it while you're there; that could get messy.
4.) You are never forced to do a solo, but sometimes they have each unit come up and perform a song or something. You would be with so many people, though, that you could hang out in the back so the audience wouldn't see you. There is a talent show with solos, duets, etc, but that's not mandatory at all, although you do have to go watch it. They also had a camp-wide dance when I went, but I'm sure you can just chat with your friends during the time.

If you have any other questions, I'll answer them to the best of my ability!