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What are some talents that aren't typical for Pageants?

I want to enter a pageant but I don't want a talent that other contestants will use like singing, dancing, or piano. Please help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There's a reason why piano, dance and singing are typical - they are what gets you to win!

I've seen people do mimes and monologues for pageants and they just don't work out well.

There was one talent that really was amazing and wasn't typical but you have to have the talent to do it! (thats why it's called talent!)

A girl did a contortionist act. (like they do in Cirque D'Soliel) She had music with suspense to go along with it and she had an amazing costume with swarvoski crystals. Plus she was just Amazing. But unfortunately the girl who wont the talent in that pageant did the opera aria O Mio Babino Cara.

So I suggest going with a typical talent but make it amazing. Do something that is a showstopper.