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I have stage fright?

I love to sing but I have stage fright and next year I want to audition for select chorus. What should I do? Help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is this your first time performing in front of an audience? if so, choose a song which is not too dificult for you to sing, as you will find that when nervous, your voice changes completely.
i am a singer as well, and therefore do a lot of performing. i also suffer from stage fright, so i understand completely where you are coming from.
the best way to keep a relaxed voice is to be relaxed by doing anything you can to dispel the nerves.
the best way to sing well when nervous is to connect to what you are doing. when you begin your song focus in on what you are doing and enjoy it. forget the audience. forget the nerves. listen to what YOU are singing, and HAVE FUN. When a person is having fun whilst performing, even if it is a depressing song they are singing, the audience will see and repond to this. Real passion is a milllion times more compelling than "going though the motions". Enjoying yourself works a treat, as you soon forget about the nerves.
looking above the heads of audience/ assessors while performing, the presence of a loved one, or doing a ridiculous drama warm-up exercise that makes you laugh before you perform will also help out.
and try not to think about it too much. the more lead- up you give this audition, the more frightened you will be when it comes to the day. when the thought comes into your head, distract yourself by thinking of something positive and exciting.
good luck, and enjoy it!