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Position:Home>Performing Arts> A good musical song for a male 13 year-old.?


A good musical song for a male 13 year-old.?

My school has a music festival with different events you can enter. I am in my second musical right now at my school and would like to enter the musical category in the music festival. I am having a difficult time finding and choosing a song. My voice hasn't really changed yet either. If someone can point me in the right direction and give a few ideas I'd very much appreciate it.

BONUS: If you could find the sheet music.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you like musicals, some of the songs from "Oliver" are great for a boy of your age. "Consider yourself, at home., consider yourself, one of the family.." sung by the artful dodger was good. Also "Where is love" by Oliver. You can probably find the songbook for Oliver at the library or music store.