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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I insure that I have good "stage presence" while playing guita


How can I insure that I have good "stage presence" while playing guitar?

I think I know SOME of what to do, but I am entering a blues guitar playing contest and one of the judging criteria is "stage presence", which is a very abstract quality if you think about it. I'm interested in how others define it, or what they think it is, or how to improve it, etc. This could include many different aspects of performance, so I'm interested in hearing ANY suggestions, no matter how odd they might seem to somebody else. Thanks to all who answer! BTW: I am an experienced performer, but I really want to see this put into words because the concept really is VERY abstract and I want to do my absolute best EVERY time - thanks again!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Stage presence? You have to have the confidence to control everything that's going on, onstage. Interact with the audience. Let their reactions, or even LACK of reactions, make you do things differently. Make love to the guitar, visually. No, don't go crazy with that...geesh...!!
I've been a musician for over 30 years, and one thing I've learned and had proven to me over and over, is that most people -- around 97% of a typical audience -- listens with...Their Eyes! They have tin ears, and can't really appreciate the musical notes like you and I can, but if it LOOKS good, to them, it SOUNDS good! For the other 3%? Well, they'll either be judging you (as judges!), or wishing they were you.

Above all, relax, get over your stage fright, if you haven't already done that, and have fun with the music!!