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How do I remove shrillness in upper vocal range? (Singing what to develop)?

I can sing up to soprano high C, but the highest notes are shrill (screamy), how can I remove that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're a guy, probably the way your creating your notes right now is that your tightening your throat and speeding a lot of air through... making it sort of like a piccalo. If you want it to have a richer, less painful sound, you need to keep your throat relaxed, and a lot of space in your mouth- keep it all open. But I bet when you do this, you won't be able to hit the high C any more. It's one of those things where you're manipulated your body in such a way that it would only be able to sing like that in certain ways. There are guys who sing those high Cs beautifully, but they spend their own lives learning how. It'll probably be the same for you.