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Toronto Talent/Casting Agency?

So, I was thinking of looking into a Toronto talent/casting agency to make some extra cash on my free time. I'm just looking for simple commercial stuff, nothing fancy as I wouldn't fit the description of a fashion model. :P

Yes, I can go look at the phone book or Google but I don't know the city because I'm new and was wondering if anyone had some experience with any or some recommendations or something along those lines to help.


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5 months ago
From what I understand you need banked hours before becoming a member of ACTRA. And companies won't hire you unless you are part of an organization like ACTRA.

So how do you get work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
From what I understand you need banked hours before becoming a member of ACTRA. And companies won't hire you unless you are part of an organization like ACTRA.

So how do you get work?