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Broadway Bedroom?

What are some ideas for a broadway themed room. Specifically a Broadway themed bedroom. Give me any ideas that relate or come to mind no matter the cost. Thanks for the advice!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i would put a large gold star on the front of the rooms door for starters.
on the walls, i would stick up masks, signed posters from musicals, as well as some black and white paintings/ posters of some hollywood greats such as james dean, marilyn monroe or audrey hepburn. you will probably be able to find some of these things on ebay.
if you have a dressing table in your room, line it with lights for a "backstage mirror" feel.
if you are looking for a total room makeover, try to keep the colour scheme to deep, red-carpet red and gold. but, this may an expensive option!
adding a few silk/satin pillows to your bed that complement the colours in the room will add a sense of glam. and dont forget to have a look around for an appropriate quilt cover - i would do this last with the pillows, so that you are best able to find one to match your newly made - over room!