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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Theme ideas?


Theme ideas?

A lot of people didnt want to read all of what I wrote before so...

Basically, i need a theme for a high school event.
1. says "soph" "'09" "sophomores" etc in the title of the theme.
2. has to have songs that work with the theme
3. has to be catchy
4. has to be appropriate

DONT SAY: farm theme, underwater theme, hollywood, hip hop, decades, beach theme...

examples: viva soph vegas (las vegas/casino theme)

thank you.

This is NOT homework!
i just want to see everyone's ideas!

thanks so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey she said baloney!! I love it :)
Okay what about a "swing dance" theme. 30's to 40's. You can have swing music and have a lesson on basic swing moves at the beginning of the dance? it was a very fun romantic dance era :)