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Asthma and singing..Help?

I have to perform in a talent show very soon with auditions starting this week, and my asthma (breathing) has been making my singing not as good as usual. I have had asthma my whole life, and it hasnt been that bad until recently, I went to the doctor and got a inhaler, but can someone please help I don't want to sound like William Hung and embarrass myself.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Me Too!! This time of year is the worst for asthma, because of the cold. I sing at about 6 gigs a week now, so I can't afford to be huffing and wheezing all the time, or I'd be poor. Coffee always helped me, it is a stimulant, and it opens up the bronchial passages. Also, run the hot water in your shower and sit in the bathroom for a while, breathing in the steam. There is also a great breathing excersize that has really helped me. Breathe in very slowly throught your nose until your lungs are full. Then, exhale by pursing your lips together ( like you're about to kiss someone). There should be a very small opening between the lips, so the air doesn't escape to rapidly. Exhale very slowly!! This will force the lungs open. I do this excersize when I feel like an attack is coming on, or if my breathing is tight. Trust me, it works! It's also a great excersize to increase lung capacity, so it works for your asthma and for breath control, perfect for singers.