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My career is ruin by my lack of talent for the business. Could you help me?

I am a Spanish pianist, 31 years old, living in Hollad and I always had a good focus career, with first prizes in competitions and respect from my colleagues. My problem is as soon I have to speak with empresarios about money, send e-mails or care about practical things I freeze, so I am shy and my colleagues say I am much to the point I stoped doing it and I have lost many concerts and contacts, so I hate to sell myself as a product. With the time, this is only getting worse, so I feel guilty and see I'm throwing my life for my lack of talent in "the business" part. Any advice? Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have had the same problem in the past, and feel the same way about "selling" myself as a product. A friend of mine got so frustrated with me, she started doing it for me. (She has a degree in Public Realtions) Now, I'm booking concerts and appearances I never would have gone after because of her. Do you have someone who would do this for you, or do you have the money to hire a manager? It seems to me that would be your best option, and I'm sure you would be happier. They take care of all contact between the artist and the venue/client. All you would have to do is show up and play, which is all most of us really want to do. I wish you all the best!