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Saucy audition songs?

I am auditioning for the part of 'Lois Lane' in my school production of Kiss Me Kate. She's described as "A lively and saucy cabaret performer in her first featured role on stage." She has almost jazzy songs and I need an audition song to fit the part. I was thinking 'Chicago' but its just so overdone, and will be especially for this show. So an ideas for a good alto song that would work? I can act, but I have quite a low singing voice, so I am very excited there is a major part in a musical my school's doing that is low alto, and I really need an awesome auditon song so I am very grateful for the help! thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Bring on the Men from Jekyll and Hyde
Good and Evil from Jekyll and Hyde
Special from Avenue Q
Look at Me Now from Wild Party
Mein Heir from Cabaret