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Pianists- How do you practice?

Just curious. How long have you taken lessons? What is your usual "practice routine"?. Just interested in seeing what others do. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The most important thing many people fail to do while practicing is concentrate. Many hours can be wasted in front of the piano playing something while you're thinking about something completely useless.

What I do, since I'm learning Classical, Jazz and contempory keyboard (rock stuff like Dream theater) styles, is I play scales and arpeggios for 15 minutes to warm up (I know they're boring but very neccesary) then I play30 minutes of classical, 30 minutes of jazz or jazz theory, and 30 contempory keyboard.

I don't know what you level of skill is but the study of Bach is a great investment and if you set aside seperate time to work through his 2 and 3 part inventions and then his Well tempered clavier, you should see pretty quicker results then if you just learn a few random little peices.

As for lessons I've only taken them on and off over 5 or 6 years.