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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Have you see the Delirium show of Cirque du Soleil?


Have you see the Delirium show of Cirque du Soleil?

I would like to take my 3 1/2 grandson and I wonder if he would like it. He managed to sit through The Lion King Broadway show when he was 2 so he does have a good attention span.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Cirque du Soleil can be quite frightening for young children.
The makeup can be really bizarre. Exaggerated and freakish clowns I've seen have set off some youngsters in the audience of tamer circus acts, (including my students and nieces) screaming in fear.
Those tickets are so expensive, I would not risk losing them on this type of an adventure.
Do you read to your grandchild?
I have never forgotten the time spent with me as a child when my mom and dad and grand parents read to me....also when my granddad called for me and took me out for walks in the neighborhood and took me to the beach and how close we bonded.
I trusted him and loved him with stars in my eyes!
Best wishes.............Lily