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Pianists! Help with 2 octives G major scale,F major scale and C major scale!?

I'm auditioning at a middle school on Thursday and I need to know these scales!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I don't know what kind of help you need. G major has one sharp (F#). RH fingering is the same for c and g 123-1234-123-12345 LH is 54321-321-4321-321 for c and g and f.

C has no sharps or flats.

F has one flat (Bb). RH fingering is 1234-123-1234-1234

Use the same fingering both up and down (of course, in reverse as you head the other way).

Good luck, and trust me, you cannot cram and study these on Wednesday night. Start now!