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How do I convince my parents to let me into the acting business?

I am very experienced in acting, singing, and dancing. Just at my local theatre that works with people on broadway. But I want to go further. I want to convince my parents to let me get an agent, auditon for shows and movies (mainly I want to try Disney), and more like that. But there are problems. Like pricing, no we're not poor, I don't know what you consider rich, but either way my parents don't want to spend the money. Another is location, I live in L.A. but I've heard of auditions in lie, chicago, which my parents would never allow. Also, school work, how would I be able to do it, Im only 14 after all. But I'd give anything to have that. It's my dream, and I've heard from many well experienced people (broadway stars and such) that i really have talent. And I really want to start this NOW! Please help me. Much appreciation.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Two things to keep in mind:

One, for your parents, it's probably less about money and more about you. They want you to have a childhood, a prom, a graduation. And you can't go back at twenty-five, when you've missed out on all of that, and do it over.

Two: I can name on one hand the number of child-stars who are still actors/actresses in adulthood. They get type-cast in early roles, and never get to play anything else. Look at Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter). He's gone so far as to go naked for a seen in Equus, his play in London. Unfortunately, everyone goes to see him naked, not because he's a great actor. He'll always be Harry Potter.

Fourteen is a great age to be... when you're fourteen. Unfortunately, to be typecast as a fourteen-year-old and be scrounging at 40 is not where you want to be, no matter how bad you want it now.