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Position:Home>Performing Arts> TALENTs?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



Ok...our school like most have Jr.miss at our high school...its coming up soon for me..and I want to do a talent that is not playing my flute or and other insterment, reading a poem, I suck at singing so no singing, no dancing, what other good talents for Jr. miss are there?(remember 16-17 year old)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No offense, but you might want to work a little on your spelling, instead of worrying about the talent competition. It's "instrument." This is an elementary school word. And if you have no other talent than playing your flute, then you are going to have to settle for that, unless you plan on doing some boring dramatic reading (those never win). One poster suggested comedy but if you have no experience doing stand-up or being funny, then this would not be a good idea.