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Position:Home>History> Was the canadian government justified in applying the War measures Act during Oc

Question: Was the canadian government justified in applying the War measures Act during October Crisis (1970) !?
give reasons why u think they were right to use it (war measures act) or why u think they were wrong to use it(war measures act)!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was a teen during the Quebec Crisis of 1970!. I probably did not understand the whole struggle until years later but now that I look back at the time and the events as they unfolded and I believe Trudeau's heavy hand was needed!. The War Measures Act was meant to be used only as a last effort!. It was, and remains, an act that gives total powers to a democratically elected government!. At the time acts of insurrection had occurred: substantial damage to national property and the abduction of government people (Cross and Laporte) and the murder of a civilian (Cross)!. Canadians are not used to seeing the army in the streets and the strong presence of security forces!. It makes us feel uncomfortable but at the same time it is good to know that we have the capability to put down a violent separatist group!. We have since developed legal and constitutional means for succession and it is important that if any group or jurisdiction demands separation that a democratic mechanism be in place so that their aspirations can be debated and discussed!. So, yes!. Trudeau did the right thing even though it was severe and seemingly "unCanadian"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the War Measures Act was justified!. Trudeau was a strong man, when strength was needed!. Without drawing a line in the sand, the terrorists of the day would have had a field day and it would have been impossible to stop them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com