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Position:Home>History> Who was responsible for establishing the Western Front?

Question:1. Brigadier General Hugh Johnson

2. General John Pershing

3. Secretary of State Zimmerman

4. General von Falkenhayn

Answers greatly appreciated! : -)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Brigadier General Hugh Johnson

2. General John Pershing

3. Secretary of State Zimmerman

4. General von Falkenhayn

Answers greatly appreciated! : -)

General von Falkenhayn

Which war? If your talking about WWI, than their was always a western front. If you mean who put America in the war, it was probably Zimmerman.

you have to be a little more specific honey. the western front for which operation or war? from the answers that you gave, i would think you are talking about ww1. if thats the case, then it could be one of two people, # 2- pershing or #4- falkenhayn for the germans