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Question:Is this right (please check my answers):
1. Some people become mentally deranged when trying to "square the circle." What is this illness named? MORBUS CYCLOMETRICUS
2. The Egyptians came up with the value of pi based on their formula for what geometric shape? CIRCLE
3.What is pi the ratio of? 22/7
4. In the year 1997, D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada calculated pi to 51,539,600,000 decimal places. What type of computer did they use? Where did they do their calculations? HITACHI SR2201 UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO COMPUTER CENTER, JAPAN
5. Who were the first people known to find a value for pi? Approximately when was it? BABYLONIANS 2000BC

Please check and tell me if I have these right! The nicest and most informative gets the 10 points!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is this right (please check my answers):
1. Some people become mentally deranged when trying to "square the circle." What is this illness named? MORBUS CYCLOMETRICUS
2. The Egyptians came up with the value of pi based on their formula for what geometric shape? CIRCLE
3.What is pi the ratio of? 22/7
4. In the year 1997, D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada calculated pi to 51,539,600,000 decimal places. What type of computer did they use? Where did they do their calculations? HITACHI SR2201 UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO COMPUTER CENTER, JAPAN
5. Who were the first people known to find a value for pi? Approximately when was it? BABYLONIANS 2000BC

Please check and tell me if I have these right! The nicest and most informative gets the 10 points!

on 3, 22/7 is only an approximation of pi.
PI is an irrational number meaning it can not be ( properly and exactly) expressed as a ration.

but the 22/7 value works well enough for most circumstances.

you are absolutepi right