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Position:Home>History> Why did we the United States have to fight in WW1 for,it was Europe's war,no

Question:The US entered the war for a variety of reasons:
Submarine Warfare and the Lusitania
There were unauthorized German submarines along the US East coast. Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 provided the final straw for US politicians, and America declared war.

The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, an British cruise/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York. The German U-boat ring sought to sink all supply ships headed for Britain in order to starve the island. It sank the Lusitania as part of its efforts. 1195 people died, including 128 Americans.

The Lusitania's sinking was the biggest influence on the American decision to enter the war. German submarine warfare (the Lusitania is included in this) sunk many ships over several years.

Had it not been for the Lusitania, the US would have stayed out of the War.

Some say the "bankers" were involved.
The U.S. had huge economic investments with the British and French. If they were to lose, then they would not be able to pay the U.S. debt back (amounting to about two billion dollars while Germany only borrowed a mere 27 million).

If Allies could not pay back all the loans made to them by the American bankers, the US's economy could collapse.

France and England were financing their war with US loans. In addition, they were buying massive amounts of arms from the US on credit. The US wanted to make sure that it got paid back. Germany also purchased arms, but in a much more limited fashion.

Propaganda from both sides influenced the American decision.

Woodrow Wilson did not want to go to war but when Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for another term, Wilson felt threatened and announced that there would be a preparedness program and possibly that the country would go to war.

By entering the war, the US got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power.

After both sides of the Mexican civil war demanded that our troops leave and public opinion badly swayed against US intervention in Mexico, Wilson had no choice but to withdraw. By having the threat of Germany helping Mexico fight back against him, Wilson knew he had to take action. He couldn't go back into Mexico because the American people would not allow it. He really had no beef with Germany, he just wanted to save face before Mexico could fight back.

President Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy ("Wilson's War Address to Congress").

It was partly for idealistic reasons (propaganda was not seen as an evil until after the Great War). The occupation of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania changed a lot people's minds in the US about Germany.

There was more to it than just the submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania although those were the formal and legalistic reasons for declaring war. I think that over time a moral sense had developed that Britain and France were fighting the good fight for freedom against a genuine evil. If that sense had not existed I think the US would have let the Lusitania pass. As it was, it was nearly two years after she was sunk that we finally did declare war.

Zimmerman Telegram
Other points influenced entrance to the war, but the Zimmerman Telegram (sometimes called the "Zimmerman note" or "Zimmerman telegraph") finally pushed the US to war. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent from the German foreign secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico. It stated the following:

On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively.

The US has to stay neutral.

Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in an financially supported alliance with Germany; If Mexico agrees to fight, they will reconquer New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.
The telegraph was intercepted by British Intelligence and transmitted to the American government by the Brits.

This infuriated Americans. It was the same sort of alliance that plunged Europe into war.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The US entered the war for a variety of reasons:
Submarine Warfare and the Lusitania
There were unauthorized German submarines along the US East coast. Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the spring of 1917 provided the final straw for US politicians, and America declared war.

The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, an British cruise/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York. The German U-boat ring sought to sink all supply ships headed for Britain in order to starve the island. It sank the Lusitania as part of its efforts. 1195 people died, including 128 Americans.

The Lusitania's sinking was the biggest influence on the American decision to enter the war. German submarine warfare (the Lusitania is included in this) sunk many ships over several years.

Had it not been for the Lusitania, the US would have stayed out of the War.

Some say the "bankers" were involved.
The U.S. had huge economic investments with the British and French. If they were to lose, then they would not be able to pay the U.S. debt back (amounting to about two billion dollars while Germany only borrowed a mere 27 million).

If Allies could not pay back all the loans made to them by the American bankers, the US's economy could collapse.

France and England were financing their war with US loans. In addition, they were buying massive amounts of arms from the US on credit. The US wanted to make sure that it got paid back. Germany also purchased arms, but in a much more limited fashion.

Propaganda from both sides influenced the American decision.

Woodrow Wilson did not want to go to war but when Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for another term, Wilson felt threatened and announced that there would be a preparedness program and possibly that the country would go to war.

By entering the war, the US got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power.

After both sides of the Mexican civil war demanded that our troops leave and public opinion badly swayed against US intervention in Mexico, Wilson had no choice but to withdraw. By having the threat of Germany helping Mexico fight back against him, Wilson knew he had to take action. He couldn't go back into Mexico because the American people would not allow it. He really had no beef with Germany, he just wanted to save face before Mexico could fight back.

President Wilson wanted to make the world safe for democracy ("Wilson's War Address to Congress").

It was partly for idealistic reasons (propaganda was not seen as an evil until after the Great War). The occupation of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania changed a lot people's minds in the US about Germany.

There was more to it than just the submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania although those were the formal and legalistic reasons for declaring war. I think that over time a moral sense had developed that Britain and France were fighting the good fight for freedom against a genuine evil. If that sense had not existed I think the US would have let the Lusitania pass. As it was, it was nearly two years after she was sunk that we finally did declare war.

Zimmerman Telegram
Other points influenced entrance to the war, but the Zimmerman Telegram (sometimes called the "Zimmerman note" or "Zimmerman telegraph") finally pushed the US to war. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent from the German foreign secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico. It stated the following:

On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively.

The US has to stay neutral.

Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in an financially supported alliance with Germany; If Mexico agrees to fight, they will reconquer New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.
The telegraph was intercepted by British Intelligence and transmitted to the American government by the Brits.

This infuriated Americans. It was the same sort of alliance that plunged Europe into war.

u.s. intercepted a telegram asking for mexico to invade the u.s. they decided that this was going to far and attacked


any war is the U.S war, haven't you noticed

The United States declard war after Germany sent Mexico the "Zimmerman Note" claiming that if the Mexicans aided the Germans by raiding the United States from the south, Mexico would in return gain control of Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.

The Lusitania explosion by German U-Boats was the spark in the United States almost declaring war. (The cruise ship was suspected to contain "war relief" materials headed for Britain, and the Axis powers refused to take a chance on the crumbling empire and even stated they would intercept any trade routes).

Before the Zimmerman Note that was discovered by the British, many American men however, felt a need to save the dying Europe, left home, and enlisted in the English and French militaries. The United States officially entered the war on April 6th, 1917.

World War One, however proved to be one of the deadliest wars in national casualties but World War Two ultimately takes first place for the devastation it wrecked havoc upon.

get over it dude,it was a long time ago, we won

We jumped in on the tail end of World War 1. Each side was beaten down and ready to sit at the peace table. With pressure from Jewish influence, the United States entered WW1, and costs thousands of American soldiers lives, and many more European deaths as well. It was a tragic situation for all sides.

a call to duty from her Majesty was all, a promise to defend at her side ..... wait we didnt send US troops we sent Aussies

President Wilson was a british sympathizer. There were no good guys in WWI, only bad guys.
Making the world "safe for democracy" was a load of manure that too many americans fell for hook, line, and sinker.

Well, The U.S.A, had a good and important trade with European Nations. The Americans, never wanted to get into war, but the German U-Boats (Submarines, in modern language) attacked the American trade ship's without warning. It wasn't just one (such as the Lithuania) ship that they sinked, they were several, in which many of the Americans died. Great Britain, intercepted a telegram from Germany to Mexico, to declare war on U.S.A, which got the U.S.A. into the war. At the time the telegram was intercepted, Mexico, were having a revolution, to which the Mexican president replied, "there was already conflict in my country, we were not strong enough to attack Americans."

The United States entered the war after the sinking of the Lusitania. For quite some time before the US had been objecting to Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare. Once American lives were lost and US shipping put in danger they jumped in to fight the Germans. The whole thing with Mexico surfaced later I believe and just validated the war effort.