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Why did the Russian Revolution occur??

Why did the revolution occur??
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thirty plus years of upheavel & unrest laid the ground for the Russian Revolution in 1917. A majority of the citizens were angry with a government they felt was unresponsive to their needs, indifferent to their suffering, out of touch with their needs, unaware & uncaring of their efforts to serve 'Mother Russia,' that their government, the Autocracy of Czar Nicholas the 2nd was a rudderless ship drifting deeper into chaos & confusion, amidst the horror of a World War which was slaughtering millions of Russian soldiers and Civilians.

A raw formula for success. An inept Leader and his Corrupt Administration versus a gang of smart hardened revolutionaries, in particular Leon Trotsky and Nicoli Lenin. The Russian Revolution refers to a tumultuous period when Russia nearly embraced Democracy by Western Standards, but instead was steered into 'Communism' as defined by Lenin and Trotsky and later on, Josef Stalin.

Here are some links and words..

On March 8, 1917, there were waves of strikes. Hungry strikers thronged the streets in Petrograd. They demanded bread. The Czar ordered his troops to suppress the strikers. When the Petrograd troops turned to the side of these hungry strikers on March 10, it meant that the army which had been used to preserve the autocratic monarchy would not protect the Czar. On March 12, the Czar ordered the Fourth Duma to suspend its sessions. The Duma refused. Since both the upper and lower classes did not accept the rule of the Czar, the rule of Czar Nicholas II was over.

Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne in favour of Michael, his brother, in order to pacify the discontent of his people. But his brother knew that there was widespread hatred of Czardom. He declined the throne on March 15. The Romanov dynasty, after ruling Russia for three centuries (1613-1917), came to an end.

The March Revolution was a spontaneous revolution initiated by the lower classes. It came as a result of their deep-seated hatred of the Czars who deprived them of political freedom, and brought them grave economic sufferings and military defeats. The First World War brought the discontent of the Russians to a head. The Russian masses made the revolution spontaneously without any leadership from the revolutionary parties."""
"""On 8th July, 1917, Alexander Kerensky became the new leader of the Provisional Government. Kerensky was still the most popular man in the government because of his political past. In the Duma he had been leader of the moderate socialists and had been seen as the champion of the working-class. However, Kerensky, like George Lvov, was unwilling to end the war. In fact, soon after taking office, he announced a new summer offensive.

Soldiers on the Eastern Front were dismayed at the news and regiments began to refuse to move to the front line. There was a rapid increase in the number of men deserting and by the autumn of 1917 an estimated 2 million men had unofficially left the army.

Some of these soldiers returned to their homes and used their weapons to seize land from the nobility. Manor houses were burnt down and in some cases wealthy landowners were murdered. Kerensky and the Provisional Government issued warnings but were powerless to stop the redistribution of land in the countryside.

On 19th July, Kerensky gave orders for the arrest of leading Bolsheviks who were campaigning against the war. This included Vladimir Lenin, Gregory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Anatoli Lunacharsky, and Alexandra Kollontai. The Bolshevik headquarters at the Kshesinsky Palace, was also occupied by government troops.

After the failure of the July Offensive on the Eastern Front, Kerensky replaced General Alexei Brusilov with General Lavr Kornilov, as Supreme Commander of the Russian Army. The two men soon clashed about military policy. Kornilov wanted Kerensky to restore the death-penalty for soldiers and to militarize the factories. Kerensky refused and sacked Kornilov.

Kornilov responded by sending troops under the leadership of General Krymov to take control of Petrograd. Kerensky was now in danger and was forced to ask the Soviets and the Red Guards to protect Petrograd. The Bolsheviks, who controlled these organizations, agreed to this request, but in a speech made by their leader, Vladimir Lenin, he made clear they would be fighting against Kornilov rather than for Kerensky.

Within a few days Bolsheviks had enlisted 25,000 armed recruits to defend Petrograd. While they dug trenches and fortified the city, delegations of soldiers were sent out to talk to the advancing troops. Meetings were held and Kornilov's troops decided not to attack Petrograd. General Krymov committed suicide and Kornilov was arrested and taken into custody.

Lenin now returned to Petrograd but remained in hiding. On 25th September, Kerensky attempted to recover his left-wing support by forming a new coalition that included more Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. However, with the Bolsheviks controlling the Soviets and now able to call on 25,000 armed militia, Kerensky's authority had been undermined.

The Bolsheviks set up their headquarters in the Smolny Institute. The former girls' convent school also housed the Petrograd Soviet. Under pressure from the nobility and industrialists, Alexander Kerensky was persuaded to take decisive action. On 22nd October he ordered the arrest of the Military Revolutionary Committee. The next day he closed down the Bolshevik newspapers and cut off the telephones to the Smolny Institute.

Leon Trotsky now urged the overthrow of the Provisional Government. Lenin agreed and on the evening of 24th October, 1917, orders were given for the Bolsheviks began to occupy the railway stations, the telephone exchange and the State Bank. The following day the Red Guards surrounded the Winter Palace. Inside was most of the country's Cabinet, although Kerensky had managed to escape from the city.

The Winter Palace was defended by Cossacks, some junior army officers and the Woman's Battalion. At 9 p.m. the Aurora and the Peter and Paul Fortress began to open fire on the palace. Little damage was done but the action persuaded most of those defending the building to surrender. The Red Guards, led by Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko, now entered the Winter Palace and arrested the Cabinet ministers.

On 26th October, 1917, the All-Russian Congress of Soviets met and handed over power to the Soviet Council of People's Commissars. Vladimir Lenin was elected chairman and other appointments included Leon Trotsky (Foreign Affairs) Alexei Rykov (Internal Affairs), Anatoli Lunacharsky (Education), Alexandra Kollontai (Social Welfare), Felix Dzerzhinsky (Internal Affairs), Joseph Stalin (Nationalities), Peter Stuchka (Justice) and Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko (War).""
