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Position:Home>Genealogy> What do you think is my ancestry?

Question: What do you think is my ancestry!?
My mother doesn't know our ancestry back too far!.!.!.she can go maybe 5 or 6 back but before that she doesn't know!.

I was just wondering what you think I sound like!.!.!.

- I am short (4'11)
- Dark brown thin hair, with a natural wave
- Brown, small eyes
- White skin that tans okay, but not well
- Brown freckles all over body
- Pear shaped (small upper body, big hips)
- Family names are Elam and Crase

I have had some people ask me if I was Asian, some have said Greek, some have said Irish, and one person said Portuguese!. I know, crazy combination!!!

I know Yahoo Answers is not going to provide me with a scientific answer, I was just curious what you thought!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, many times people forget that the original and true celts were exactly like you describe!. And the Celts were in the UK and Ireland for thousands of years!. The fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes came with the northern invaders, saxons, vikings, etc!.

The Celts came from Spain and Portugal and then migrated north, the so called "dark irish" are the best example of this direct connection between the Iberian Peninsula and the UK and Ireland!. This has been proved historically and genetically!.

So perhaps your genes, like mine, are very old and come straight out of the Celts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With your body shape, surnames and fair skin , I would say you would be predominately English but you would also have other ancestry!. As another contributor suggested, have a look at the census records to trace where ALL your ancestors came from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at a census from 1930 and prior!. Find your ancestors and see what country they came from!. Not really that hard!.

This is the true way tofind out where your ancestors came from!. You may be surprised!. Unfortunately there is no 1890 census to look at but the rest are all there!.
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elam is an english name from a village named Ellham near Canterbury!. Crase is english as well also alternatley could be Crass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com