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Position:Home>Genealogy> How would someone find info on ancestors that came to the U.S. from Poland?


How would someone find info on ancestors that came to the U.S. from Poland?

Is there anywhere to research ancestors that were born in poland to see what part of poland they came from or any info related to vital statistics,etc?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you're going to have to do some old fashioned research first most likely, find your ancestors death certificate, that might have where they were born. find their naturalization papers, that is the best bet.
you can try hit or miss searching on ellisisland and other immigration web sites, but when handwritten polish names are indexed into databases like ellisisland, it usually doesn't match, cause the old handwritting is very difficult to read.
once you find their home village in poland, then you can look it up at to see if the mormons have copied the church records of that village.