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Who is blackfoot Indian, and where did they come from?

My deceased ex-husband said he had it in his family, but I'm not finding any in his line. So I'd like to know more about the Indians and where they lived, migrated, etc. I'm working on his Genealogy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm part Siksikan - but my mother was born and raised in Missouri - and her mother was from Oklahoma.
"Blackfeet" were originally from the upper reaches of the US and Canada, but they were nomads and tended to spread out all over the US. I've had a hard time finding info myself, but I have found a little, mostly through family members.

The sites below might help you trace your ex's genealogy

Siksika ('black feet', from siksinam 'black', ka the root of oqkatsh, 'foot'. The origin of the name is disputed, but it is commonly believed to have reference to the discoloring of their moccasins by the ashes of the prairie fires; it may possibly have reference to black-painted moccasins such as were worn by the Pawnee, Sihasapa, and other tribes). An important Algonquian confederacy of the northern plains, consisting of three subtribes, the Siksika proper or Blackfeet, the Kainah or Bloods, and the Piegan, the whole body being popularly known as Blackfeet. In close alliance with these are the Atsina and the Sarsi.

I hope this helps...