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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know anyone named Zelhart?


Does anyone know anyone named Zelhart?

I'd like good leads on the name and have already tried Would like to learn the origins and meaning of the name. May have been anglicized in the past.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just half my family. My name is Kevin. I hail from a gathering of Zelharts in Illinois near Chicago. There are zelharts in Iowa, Colorado, Texas and California that I am aware of.
Based on one of the Texas Zelhart's info, the name may have originally been spelled Zillhardt, which with the german pronunciation would have ben close to the current Zelhart. Based on a flag on the name (how I found out about your question) there was a zelhart in Pittsburgh, Pa I believe, in the early 1800s. Specifically:
following is the obituary for H. Sellers McKee's mother:
Mrs HETTY McKEE died yesterday morning at her home, No. 139 Smithfield Street. Mrs McKEE was a daughter of Captain DAVID ZELHART and was born on Wood Street near Sixth Avenue in 1809. In 1824, she married THOMAS McKEE, the flint glass manufacturer, who died some twenty years ago. Mrs McKEE leaves five children: H SELLERS McKEE, STEWART McKEE, Mrs LORENZ, and two daughters who are unmarried.

(The above death notices appeared in the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette on June 25 1884; note that Hetty and Thomas McKee had in all 12 children—these five survived her. Stewart McKee??s wife was Virginia Dalzell.)

If you have any further questions on my branch of the family Email me ;