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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm looking for people with last name "gillion" we are a dying breed h


I'm looking for people with last name "gillion" we are a dying breed here in nor cal. help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I ran the name in one of my favorite preliminary checks, which is the social security death index, and find over 1000 entries. Those are persons with the name, who have died in the US since the early 1960's, and of course, that would include ladies who have the name by marriage. Technically, they "belong" to another surname, research wise.
Calif has some interesting settlement patterns.. many people went there during the Depression in the 1930's, for work. I actually found one file in 's family files, for a Gillion line that started in Oklahoma, then moved to CA and probably right about that time, based on the birthplaces.
I think it is extremely likely that if you work back to a grandparent or gr grandparent, and verify the records, that you may find something similiar. Then, by going back one more, it could become clear that he had siblings who didn't move. The other thing to remember is that just using phone searches, so forth, will only turn up MALES who continue to carry the name. There are very possibly female relatives who carry another name, but are still kin to you. is one of my favorite suggested places for beginning research (there are how to files). If you are hoping to expand your family history, you need to read one of those, and work backwards. You certainly have more relatives than you think of.
ps... ssdi has one person, ss# issued in Okla; died in Napa co, Ca. in 1979, That is a Samuel Gillion. Any connection to him?