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How do I find out my ancestry?

My Father & Grandmother emigrated to England from Singapore in the 1960's they are Eurasian, is there any Singaporian sites I could visit to see if I can find my ancestry, there is some in england but only deal with british ancestry, anything simular over there?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Wayne,

There are sites for everything now days. Ships manifests will help you discover the transfer/passage from one location to the other if they took a ship. If the flew, that is more difficult.

If you know the ancestors from Singapore there are entire groups dedicated to Asian ancestry. No guarantees, but check some of the places Cindi's list has shown too.

There are some really good sites on Singapore listed below also.

Try also GENFORUM for the Specific Surname, to find if there are other people researching the same name. There is nothing like cooperative assistance that you can get there.