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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the polite way to correct another's "posted" research?


What is the polite way to correct another's "posted" research?

Specifically, the death informant had the maiden name of the mother wrong (and of course it is now on the death certificate), which happens far more often than we wish to know..... And, now after tireless research has produced this whole, huge, database for the wrong surname for the Grtgm... I just almost stops one's breath, but how, now, to suggest correcting it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Write to the person. Tell him/her what you have the maiden name as and what your sources are, why you suspect the death informant got it wrong. If you have the lady in question living in the same county as a child on two census entries in a row, then marrying the boy three farms over, it would help make your case.

I would take a light-hearted tone; "Great grandmother Jones started out life as a Smith, had a brief fling as a Miller, then settled down with Joshua Jones for a long and happy life after Mr. Miller was eaten by a bear. I fear her son James Jones gave the coroner "Miller" as her maiden name because she was one when she married his father, Joshua. Our dead acestors do all sorts of things to throw us off the track, don't they?"