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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can we find records for barnardos in the 1900s?


Where can we find records for barnardos in the 1900s?

I need to find details of children in homes in the Croydon area in the 1900s

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try Cyndislist. It may give you a link and from there you can try and track it. You might enter it into and see what links pop up that way too. They may not have anything online. Do you have a specific home you're looking at? If so, try with that specific name. You might also check with your local genealogy society to see if they might have links that would help you. If you live in a small town then google Denver Public Library and go to the genealogy and western history department and shoot them an email. They have wonder librarians that would be happy to send you in the right direction.