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Position:Home>Genealogy> How would I go about finding a sister that was adopted back in 1967?


How would I go about finding a sister that was adopted back in 1967?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you know what state she was adopted in and from? Do you know what agency handled the adoption? If you do, you may be able to call and see if those records are sealed. You can leave your name and number and they will try contacting her to see if she wants contact. Some adoptees do not want contact so don't be disappointed if she doesn't. If the records are sealed, you could petition the Court to have them unsealed. Again you run the chance that she doesn't want contact. Message boards are another route, Put everything you know about her on the board with your email address. If she reads it, it gives her the choice of contacting you when and if she is ready.
Good Luck.