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A picture of Antoinette Loreta Amerson?

she died january 5 2004 she was born april 12,1973

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ouch, young lady, wasn't she?
Key here is your connection. Are you family? Easiest way seems to be simply contacting immediate family and asking.
But.. forgive me, that's assuming on my part (not good in genealogy or elsewhere). You may know of family but not be on good terms. If you are trying to locate the family, you can narrow down place of death, and being recent, it seems that you can easily get an obit, to identify the family.
If for some reason, you don't feel comfortable with family contact, the only other way I can think of, is to learn what high school she attended. Again, we are not talking that far back. You would probably be able to find a copy of the year book via the school itself. If not that.. then if it really really matters, find the newspaper from the town where the school is located, and pay for a small ad, that you need to locate anyone with a copy of that yearbook.