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Help! I Just Found Out My Real Dads Name. . .?

I want to meet him sooo bad, but I don't know where to find him.My mom won't give me any info on him. But, I just found my birth certificate & I found out his name is Louis Godfrey Blackwell. He should be like 67 now, So I now he could possibly be deceased & time is running out. Can anyone help me get info on this man, onto where I could possibly find him?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The key to finding out about him is your Mother.

You need to sit down with her and talk to her. Don't be demanding and don' be overbearing. Explain how much it would mean to you. Let her kow that anything you find is not going to influence the relationship the two of you share.

If this doesn't work, try relatives. Grandparents if you still have them, aunts and uncles. Chances are someone in your Moms family knows something. They'd have to. Even th least bit of information could be all it takes for you to find him.

Does the birth certificate give information where he was born? If so, start there. Locate the State and County agencies that handle the vital statistics. If you can get his birth certificate that will give you his parents names and that may lead you to him by finding other family relatives.

None of this is going to be simple. You can expect to put some major time into the search. So you have to decide whether or not it is *that* important.

You also have to take into consideration something else. Does he want to be found? There is a good chance he could have found you and didn't for whatever reason. Just remember that. On the other hand, he may want to hear from you but so much time has passed he just doesn't know how best to make that initial contact. Chances are you do have siblings though that would want to get to know you.

I wish you luck and I hope you find what you are searching for. Just be prepared for what you find. It may not be what you want.