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Position:Home>Genealogy> There is no record of my Grandmothers Birth on any website, why is this?


There is no record of my Grandmothers Birth on any website, why is this?

My Gran is still alive, and so I have exactly her correct information, but cannot find a record of her birth (May 1917) anywhere? I have found other family members relativley easily.

It always draw a blank on numerous websites.
Any ideas?
might she not have been registered at birth?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: More recent records aren't generally on-line. You don't state the state/province/country you're dealing with, so I can't get any more specific.

If you have the contact information for where-after she was born, you can write to the vital records office and pay what-ever fee they charge to obtain a copy (there are often restrictions on records less then a 100 years old however)

Alternatively, you can just ask your gran - she prob. needed a copy for herself at some point and likely has it floating around - it would be a good opportunity to ask about family stories and her ancestry at the same time.