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What is familie tree for Pretorius?

South Africa.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Francois,
There has been quite a bit of genealogy done on the name Pretorius. In fact, if you look at the RootsWeb's WorldConnect trees, they have over 17,000 hits on the name Pretorius. Here is the link

Once you go to this page, scroll down and enter your search criteria. There are about 911 entries of people of died in South Africa. I suspect from looking at the names that they come from the part of south africa with Dutch roots.

One word of caution. These trees are a good reference and often a great way to make contact with other researchers looking for the same name; however, never take any tree you find on the internet as gospel. Always conduct your own research and verify everything. There is also a message board on Rootsweb where you can post queries about the name Pretorius. It is a rare name so there are only a few entries on there now, but this would be a great place for you to place your own inquiries. Here is the link:
Rootsweb will send you an E-mail whenever someone replies to your queries. I hope this information helps. Please feel free to E-mail me through my profile if you have any quesitons. Blessings