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Position:Home>Genealogy> I hear that some of my family is from a part of Italy below Venice somewhere on


I hear that some of my family is from a part of Italy below Venice somewhere on the coast...?

So i heard that my family is from part of italy that irish people used to live in. I dont want to give the exact name but i was just wondering if anyone else was from the same area. so i supposes i have a bit of irish blood. anyone have any info on this? apparently the irish lived there before the italiens and then that part was taken by italy thence pushing the irish out....hmm. interesting.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've never heard of this story about Irishmen in Italy.
However, my ancestors were from the northeastern area of Italy called Trieste. They lived in a mountainous area. Hope you get the details you are looking for from someone.