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Position:Home>Genealogy> Taflinger marriages/people, kids, kin etc in or around Marysville, Indiana?


Taflinger marriages/people, kids, kin etc in or around Marysville, Indiana?

I'm having a very hard time with finding Taflingers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I understand your frustration. If you want to email me through my profile, I'd be happy to snoop around and see if there's anything I can find on other databases for you. As I understand it, you're looking for a marriage record of a Taflinger to Fay Amick. If you have a rough guesstimate of the date, it would help with the search. Also, do you have copies of obituaries or death certificates for either of them? If so, I'd have some questions from those that might help your search.

Happy Easter.