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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for Evelyn Rudolchick (maiden Raley) in Sommerset PA area?


Looking for Evelyn Rudolchick (maiden Raley) in Sommerset PA area?

Evelyn Rudolchick (formerly Raley) was my grandpas fianc㩠for 12 years before his death in 1999 (Pete DuPont 1908-1999). After his death, we lost touch with her and I was just wondering if anyone had any information. I checked the Social Security Deaths and she's not listed. I did google/yahoo search and found her in an obit from 2003 where she was listed as a surviving member of the family. If she is still alive, she'd be close to 97 yrs. old.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: From a Public Records index @

Name: Evelyn Rudolchick
Street address: 228 Siemon Dr
City: Somerset
County: Somerset
State: Pennsylvania
Zip Code: 15501
Phone Number: 814-445-8769