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Position:Home>Genealogy> Family tree- which side of the family? opinions please!!?


Family tree- which side of the family? opinions please!!?

I have a family tree project I'm working on and I'm only allowed to do the report on one side of the family and I'm looking for some opinons.

My mom's side has Irish heritage and a relative who was in the Revolutionary war.

My dad's side has my grandmother who came from Japan during WW2 and my grandfather who was a soldier stationed in Asia (Japan, where he met my grandmother) during WW2.

I can't decide which dide of the family to choose.
Any ideas?

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3 months ago
Both sides of the family will take an equal efort to find information on so this question is really based on which side will be more intersting to write about. irish, and revolutionary war.
or japanese and world war 2.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
Both sides of the family will take an equal efort to find information on so this question is really based on which side will be more intersting to write about. irish, and revolutionary war.
or japanese and world war 2.