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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the "olive" skin tone originate from? Like what people from


Where does the "olive" skin tone originate from? Like what people from where have this tone?

Where does the "olive" skin tone originate from? Like what people from where have this tone?
I have blonde hair and blue eyes but an olive complexion. My mom says her side is irish and my Dad is part Cherokee Indian, but neither of them have this complexion. Does hanyone know where it comes from? Maybe Italy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was born with an Olive Skin Tone and the rest of my siblings are all very light.
How do I know?
Well first of all I tan very easily while they burn.
My mother is very very white and my father was olive.
I took after my father. He was born in Yugoslavia. I have since found that those of Eastern European decent tend to have Olive skin. Of couse, races and nationalities mix even in Europe so it makes it difficult. You have Europeans who move throughout the area and many from Ireland and Uk and Northern Europe are moving into Eastern Europe. So the mix makes it not so easy to tell where you got your Olive Skin
Good Luck in your Search