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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone know anything about death certificates?


Anyone know anything about death certificates?

I have noticed that on death certificates from several states that they want to know if the person that died is of hispanic discent. They don't ask about any other race. Also, if the person that died is female they want to know if she was pregnaut within the last year. Some go as far as 1-30 days, 31- 180 days - ect. Even if the woman that died is 100 yrs old! lol Please help if you know the answers. Thank you!

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3 months ago
The states that I have noticed most with the female question are Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. All of the states death certificates that I have seen have the hispanic question. Maybe I have noticed those 4 states because I am from Kansas. I don't know. It is something that made me wonder why.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
The states that I have noticed most with the female question are Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. All of the states death certificates that I have seen have the hispanic question. Maybe I have noticed those 4 states because I am from Kansas. I don't know. It is something that made me wonder why.