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Position:Home>Genealogy> How would I go about finding my birthparents for a low cost?


How would I go about finding my birthparents for a low cost?

I was born on July 11, 1978 in the Northeast. Other than contacting the adoption agency, is there any low cost way to locate birthparents?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Tim,

Depending on the Northeast - if you mean USA, the States are different. Search in YAHOO SEARCH for "ADOPTION LAW <location>" where location is the STATE, or province you live in. That will tell you the LAWS, and they are not usually to difficult to follow. Generally, the locations have Open or Closed adoptions. If Open, you just get the records from the municipal Vital Records office, where the adoption took place. If closed, and you have a medical reason, then you would need to get a court order or hope that the registry works for you.

The registry is where you sign up, and hope your parents do to.