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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for birth parent info for janet m ferrier born in orillia, CA, march15 1


Looking for birth parent info for janet m ferrier born in orillia, CA, march15 1963. How can I get this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Susana,
Has Janet sent off for her non-identifying information? She would get this information from the adoption agency that handled her adoption. Sometimes people get some really good clues from this information and in fact can identify a person from the information that was supposed to be non-identifying.

She might also want to ask the adoption agencies if there are any inquiries in her file. Sometimes birth parents will write a letter to be put in their bio childs file in case they should ever have the desire to look for them.

You might also want to see if California has an adoption search registry. There are some states that have them. I found a world wide one that you might want to post on. It is a shot in the dark, but stranger things have happened.

good luck and Blessings.