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Who is my grandfather ?

My mum was the result of a wartime fling with a GI, will I ever know who my grandfather was ? Am from wigan lancashire england

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hi, Tilly... there are 7 replies so far, and of those, only ONE seems to know what the section "genealogy" means. Well, they get their points for silly remarks.
WHETHER you will know, depends right now on asking the questions, while you still hopefully have your mom (and maybe grandma?) still alive. And the most obvious question is CAN SOMEONE GIVE YOU A NAME??
If one of them has a name, good chance someone can help you find information about him. It is not impossible for him to still be living, although getting way along in years. If not alive, we certainly should be able to find some leads on him, and maybe surviving family members, who would be your relatives.
Here's Wendy's take on the issue... many of our American young men were under a lot of danger and stress while stationed overseas during WW2, and if they found a bit of cheer and comfort with someone local? More power to the both. In recent years, I have heard stories like the man who lost his WALLET during that time, in France, I think... and after 60 yrs, the son of the man who found the wallet... tracked down the original owner back in the States, and returned the wallet.
My suggestion is grab the telephone, and see if there isn't a name to work with, and ANY possible details (name of the army camp, if possible, etc). Mom's birth date will help narrow the date. There ARE unit historians and reunion groups online.
If you can get that... drop me a email note through my profile, and we will get to work on it ASAP.