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Position:Home>Genealogy> What nationality is the last name Shadix? And it's origin?


What nationality is the last name Shadix? And it's origin?

My kids' last name is Shadix (from their father), but we have no idea where it came from. Their grandfather, who has passed away, was very dark....there is no one on that side of the family to ask. Their dad makes up things, so we can't ask him. Their grandpa Paul Shadix is originally from Alabama, but settled in Tennessee. Any help at all would be appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I normally explain this in a general sense, but this time, it's personal knowledge. One factor in where names come from is that OFTEN names become distorted. One branch of a family moves to an area; the name gets entered in records with a different spelling, and that branch "becomes" that spelling. You would have to do some verifying on grandpa Paul's ancestors, but I'd almost wager that his lineage is Shaddox (one of my daughter's lines). I don't see a Paul Shadix in the ssdi who died in Tenn, but one did die in Alabama, who was born in 1899 and died in 1979. Don't know if this is the same man. How it is spelled, is not the important criteria, but who are his actual ancestors.
"My" Shaddox line has been worked back into Chatham co, North Carolina.. many then moved into Georgia, maybe Alabama, and Arkansas. I have files on this, but not accessible at the moment. One lady did extensive research, and I will share that many descendents were noted for their stubborn streak. I believe that the accepted background is/was Scottish, but not positive it was documented.
One thing that can be really fascinating, is to find way way distantly related persons, who sit down and get to talking, and find that family traditions or oral history have similiar things like character traits passed down.
The key is finding who Paul's parents and/or siblings were, to pick up his trail, and confirm that in the available records. Any chance you can get an exact place and date of death?
Please drop me a note via my profile email. I might have lots of answers for you in my own research.