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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anybody knows how to find the origins of my japanese grandfather with HATZU


Does anybody knows how to find the origins of my japanese grandfather with HATZUMA or BAGAZUMA last name?

My grandfather arrived to Mexico in 1905 from japan and we supose that his real last name was HATZUMA but he changed to BAGAZUMA. Have you heard about them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A large number of educated Japanese left for Central and South America about that time. Japan did keep records of them and you can access them via mail.

The number of records on the internet is still limited because of Japanese privacy laws. But you can start your search here at Japan GenWeb:

If your grandfather ever came to the US and applied for citizenship, then there's a lot of information in his Naturalization petition and Declaration of Intent. But if he stayed in Mexico, the records weren't as comprehensive at that time.

Good luck in your search.