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Who wishes they were born in the 80's?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think that every decade holds a certain appeal. They all evoke certain emotions. Look at the innocense of the fifties and the rebeliousness of the sixties.

I have great memories of the 1980's. I graduated from high school during this time and to be honest, we worried about a whole lot less than kids do today. Back then we didn't worry about school shootings or state mandated test scores. It was a fun time in music history with the long haired rock and roll bands and the strange fashion trends. There were also some pretty wild fads. Our country was also a lot more innocent back then. Don't get me wrong, our country has had plenty of upheaval in every decade, but it was relatively peaceful except for maybe the hostage crisis that kicked off the decade and the whole Iran contra scandal. That is not to say that there wasn't crisis here or abroad, but we weren't so skeptical of people and their intentions. There were no major wars that involved the U.S.

I'm glad that I was born when I was (which was before the 80's) If I was born in the 80's I wouldn't have enjoyed the 80's as immensley as I did.