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Position:Home>Genealogy> My mom is Spaniard and my dad Italian, i was born in Usa and raised in Jamaica,


My mom is Spaniard and my dad Italian, i was born in Usa and raised in Jamaica, what am I?

go figure....military dads

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Apart from confused (mentioned above and which I think is a pretty funny answer, and one that applies to me as well atm :P ) I would say that we can start by saying that you are Half Spaniard Half Italian and raised in Jamaica. Skip the Born in the USA part, cause it does not matter much. People get born aboard ships and planes as well :
Now, if you've spend much time in Jamaica (you probably did since you grew up there) and it affected your way of life enough, you are probably Jamaican with Spaniard and Italian heritage ;)
Hope I make sense... If I dont, you can pick the "confused" answer :P