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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you know where last name of Foreman came i know what my told me?


Do you know where last name of Foreman came i know what my told me?

but i,d like real answer

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It appears that Foreman is indeed English. Take a look at the following link:

Looking for the origin of a certain name is a common question here. And it's fine if that is all someone wants. But it does not tell you anything for certain. Here are a couple of links to surname message boards if you are interested. They do have a specific boards for Foreman. Many who frequent these boards are genealogists and may have some more insight into your specific surname. There are also separate boards for states, counties, and countries if you are interested. Your best bet would be to research your particular line person by person, generation by generation.

If you wish to persue your specific surname further, E-mail me via my profile and I will give you some more helpful genealogy sites. Blessings.